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Ville Amp Casali International 3.4.3
Screen Shots:
"Ville&Casali International” app grant you the pleasure to read your favorite magazine interactively!
You can choose between the monthly edition, and an old an archived one! You can freely consult the complete edition.
Flipping through the pages, enlarging its contents while rounding your device, you will be free to read on your complete comfort and on the way you prefer!
Are you pursuiting on a specific edition or looking for a particular content? You can do it! By this app, you can consult all records in the archives and you are able to look them through how, when and where you want!
Is there an article you don’t want to miss or a special content you’d like to save and mantain? Nothing’s more easy thanks to your “Favourites Box” where you can add all features you like most. And More! If you want to share any contents on your Facebook or Twitter, you can make it by then e-mail sending function.
Extra Funcions:
- Preview on coming soon issues
- Historical Archive
- Research chance and opportunity to purchase old copies in the overall archive
- Page Rescue on your favorites
- Sending press cutting through e-mail and share it on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter