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Voice Synth 3.1
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Voice Synth è uno strumento professionale dal vivo per creare incredibili nuove voci, cori, suoni e paesaggi sonori, in base alla propria voce unica. Con inter-app audio, tre 24-band vocoders dal vivo, AutoPitch, più armonia arrangiatore vocale, spettro stroboscopio, pece e formante shifter, sampler, 24-band equalizzatore, distorsione, delay, chorus e riverbero. Selezionato da Apple in USA Musica App Collection "Vocals”.
Fate un viaggio nel sound design e scoprire le infinite possibilità: Parlare, cantare, ronzii e beatbox nel microfono, regola i controlli e trasformare la tua voce dal vivo in un bambino o tenore, una popstar su AutoPitch, un robot da Cylon a iDalek, una chiesa o vicino coro armonia, gli animali dagli uccelli ai cani e leoni, strumenti musicali provenienti da organi, chitarre e un basso groove di percussioni e ricco 1970 vocoder, effetti incredibili e, stringa/tempesta lussureggianti paesaggi sonori ambient. Per iniziare, abbiamo incluso più di 100 preset di fabbrica!
Per i musicisti, DJ, sound designer, artisti vocali: Voice Synth è un must-have nella vostra cassetta degli attrezzi audio. Voice Synth ha un'interfaccia dedicata progettata per iPad, e una interfaccia compatta per iPhone e iPod che include tutte le caratteristiche in modo da poter creare ovunque tu vada.
Audiobus support will be discontinued soon, as it does not meet the stability standards we want to offer our customers. The audiobus SDK in Voice Synth is currently malfunctioning. We advise to use Apple’s inter-app audio (IAA), which is free, integrated in iOS, and stable since introduction. For continued audiobus support, please ask the audiobus developers to support IAA. Then all your IAA-enabled apps become audiobus compatible, while their stability will not be compromised.
• Sound engine 2x32 bit at 44.1 kHz
• All effects simultaneous, 12-voice polyphonic, live, real-time, low-latency
• Background audio
• Apple inter-app audio instrument/effect with midi, host with recorder
• Full MIDI support
• Auto engine sleep to save battery power
• In-app help, tutorial video and email support
• Audio dock compatible
• Audio import/export in WAV/M4A format, iOS pasteboard, iTunes File Sharing and email
• VoiceOver support
Note: iPhone 4 does not support inter-app audio
• 3 play modes: Live, Repeat and Sampler
• Sampler to record, import and play with your voice, with instant zoom, start/end, loop/hold, extensive trigger methods
• Performance recorder to record, play and export your creation
• 100 factory presets, unlimited user presets, 8 quick presets, import/export
• Keyboard 2.5 octaves (iPad), 1 octave (iPhone/iPod), hold on/off, mono/poly
• Noise gate, input & output mute/volume, engine bypass
• 3 vocoders with 24 bands, 5th order filters (Natural, Robot and Breath voice)
• Low/high register (add voice brilliance)
• Equalizer, 24 bands +/- 12 dB, VU 0 to -80 dB, stereo VU meter, with 8 presets (loudness, low-pass, telecom voice, etc)
• Pitch Shifter 8 octaves (e.g. for lion voice, tenor, gender change, child, baby, duck, squeak)
• Formant Shifter adapts voice spectrum, range +/- 1 octave, (change headsize from child to giant)
• Tune modes to alter pitch: fixed, free, inverse, double, auto
• AutoPitch (always sing in tune)
• Harmony synthesis of multiple voices in all 12 major/minor musical scales (choirs and rich 70's vocoder sounds)
• Autogain, distortion, stereo panning, delay, chorus and reverb
• Slew rate: special vocoder reverb (plucked strings, win