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Vote 2011 Singapore Decides History In Pictures 1.0
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Remember Singapore's 2011 year of elections with the award-winning photography of Vote 2011: Singapore Decides, History in Pictures. The independent photojournalism presented here won the Best Feature Photography award of the Society of Publishers Asia, 2012.
On May 7, 2011, the Republic of Singapore conducted its 11th General Election. Just three months later, Singaporeans were again immersed in a political contest, the Presidential Election of August 28, 2011.
These were the most inclusive elections in the Republic’s history. With only five out of 87 seats uncontested, more than two million citizens were able to vote in the General Election, and more than 2.1 million votes were counted—and recounted—in the Presidential Election.
Created by a group of Singaporeans with a passion for photojournalism this app is an extended version of GE11: We Were There, a print publication, updated with additional material, multimedia and fresh coverage of the Presidential election. Combining brilliant photos by some of Singapore's top and up-and-coming photojournalists, with interactive features, music and links to related videos, this app forms an appealing record of this unique year of elections in Singapore's recent history.
Proceeds from the sale of this app will be donated to the Wee Kim Wee Legacy Fund at the Nanyang Technological University, to support documentary photography projects. Half of the people associated with this project are connected to the Wee Kim Wee School, having either studied or taught there.