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Waka Messenger Hd 1.6.4
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Waka is quietly popular now.It supports IM,It supports IM,Voice Intercom,light-blogging,3th IM(ICQ/Gtalk/Yahoo/MSN),Group Chat,Addressbook backup and recovery.
If you feel that sending sms by pressing key is bothersome,if you would like to communicate to friends of MSN,Gtalk or Yahoo by using the one client,if you wouldn't like to be limited by SMS 140 words,we strongly recommend Waka to you!
*Friend feeds:Not only MicroBlog but also light-blogging.You will feel Carefree that it supports multiple pictures and more than 140 words.
*Voice Intercom:Hands free thoroughly,Voice Message brings about convenient.
*Group Chat:Waka supports Group Chat,multiple platform.It's so convenient!
*Rich communicate:Picture,audio,video,map and attachment can be sent.
*One Addressbook:Addressbook includes the contacts of MSN,Gtalk,ICQ,Yahoo,local contacts and friends of Waka.
*Third-party ID:support importing the friend list of MSN,Gtalk,Yahoo etc.,communicate each other by Waka.
*The application implemented the following countries:China,Russia, Brazil.
*Free and No Advertisement:this software don't bring additional charges(exclude charges by carrier).