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Walk Log 2.0.2
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Walk Log makes it very easy to track your walking sessions, keeping a log of the distance and time taken for each walk. Be sure you get in your walking exercise each week!
● View a calendar showing which days you walked recently.
● View statistics and charts of weekly, monthly, and yearly progress.
● Share on
● Use the built-in map to plan out a route, or if using an iPhone, simply track your course with GPS.*
● Categorize log entries with user-defined tags.
● Sync using iCloud (enable via Settings app).
Walk Log makes it easy to record the results of a walking session in a matter of seconds. You can also use Walk Log to review your walk history, and plan new routes for future walking sessions.
You can simply use GPS if using an iPhone or, when you return from a walk, use Walk Log to record your session: The date and route are automatically filled in based on defaults. The time spent on your last walk for the route is also presented as the default. Simply adjust the minutes or seconds and you are done! Your pace will be shown to you.
To plan a new route to try in your neighborhood, go to the routes tab and bring up the map, which centers on your current location. Simply tap points on the map in order to create your route. When done, the route distance is automatically computed. If you walk this route frequently, you can set it as the default.
You can view a calendar showing which days you walked recently. This makes it easy to decide if you are due for a walk today. You can also view statistics and charts showing weekly, monthly, and yearly summaries of your distance, time and pace. You can focus on walks of a particular type by filtering by tags.
“It's a great app to track walking!” “I fully endorse this for walkers!” — Jill of
* Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.