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Wallpapermakeitl5 1.9
Screen Shots:
By using this application ,you can make a unique wallpaper you have not ever seen on iPhone 5.
By the home screen and Lock screen made with this application, iPhone will be changed into more attractive one.
"It is sorry that the beautiful wallpaper or favorite photograph is hidden by some icons."
"I want the wallpaper with calendar."
If you think so, Please use this application.
//---- Let's make Home screen wallpaper (or Lock screen wallpaper)----//
Anyone can easily make the wallpaper of the home screen by using this application.
1. Automatic Mode(very easy to make WP)
You can make home screen wallpaper, only by choosing the number of lines of an icon, taking in a favorite photograph, and deciding the range of the photograph to be used.
2. Manual Mode
You can make home screen wallpaper by following some steps.
A photograph(The photograph which you took with iPhone, the downloaded beautiful wallpaper on internet, and so on.) can pick up from cameraRoll. You can trim a photograph in the range as you like. The combination of the wallpaper design which you can use becomes infinite.
//--- note ---//
1) After setting up the created picture as wallpaper, please move an icon manually according to the number of line of the created wallpaper (1line ~4line). Please keep in mind that it is impossible to rearranges an icon automatically by this application.
2) In this version, the logo mark "made with WallpaperMakeIt" is automatically stuck on a photograph.
3) In this version, it is possible to use the functions("adding calendar" "picking up background image", and so on), but in the future, it may be able to use those functions only by a release version.
--important information--
This app is for iPhone 5 (Screen size 4 inches) and iPod touch (5th gen).