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Wallpapers Daily Hd 1.1
Screen Shots:
Wallpapers Daily HD is a high-quality wallpaper library with tons of 640x960 retina backgrounds updated daily for your iPhone and iPod Touch.
1. Every retina wallpaper is optimized exclusively for iPhone/iTouch, no streching or distortion.
2. Explore wallpapers with page flicking and slideshow auto-playing in fullscreen.
3. Search by 20+ categories or your own keywords. Finding your favorite wallpaper has never been easier.
4. Preview wallpapers in home screen and lock sreen inside the app before you save them to your photo album.
5. Share wallpapers to Fackbook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr and more.
6. Wallpapers you browsed are cached for a certain amount of time and you can manually clear them in app settings.
7. Tons of fresh and up-to-date wallpapers are maintained daily.
8. High-speed and stable image server. No more wait on wallpaper loading.
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