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Water Gallery 2.2.2
Screen Shots:
This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with immortal paintings and melodious music.
The paintings are one of the most famous continuous scrolled classical Chinese Paintings-'Along the River', which you may be shocked by this great artwork at Expo 2010 Shanghai China.
You can put it into your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad now.
When your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad be shaking, be touching, or just be watching, still paintings becomes so dynamic with living ripple effects, swiping the screen with your finger makes rows of ripples, occasional rain drops make more wonderful effects, melodious classical music makes you relaxed.
This software dedicates to all who were longing for traditional lifestyle, you may feel relaxation with this software.
If you like this software, I have a more exciting software-'Water Photo', which use your own photos instead of the paintings in this software, with it, you can enjoy your family album with living ripple effects of high resolution up to 1024x1024 pixels if you have an iPad.
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