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Wedding Anniversary Card Maker Pro Send Romantic Happy Marriage Aniversary Message 1.2.1
Screen Shots:
Send your friends or beloved an anniversary gift of romantic and personalized greeting cards (Using your or your loved one's photo) with this “Wedding anniversary card maker” app.
Spice it up with hundreds of pre-written beautiful & romantic anniversary messages and make your beloved & dear ones feel special.
*** FEATURES ***
- Built in hundreds of hand-picked beautiful & heart touching Romantic Anniversary messages for instant card creation.
- Generate new Romantic Anniversary message instantly in case you don't like the current one
- Write your own Romantic Anniversary messages.
- Choose the photo to place the love message either from the Photos library or capture a new one via the camera provided inside the app.
- Built in one tap share to facebook, flickr, email, instagram, twitter, save to photo album, save as wallpaper or open in other apps.
*** PLUS ***
- Move the message on the photo anywhere you like using your finger
- Pinch to re-size the messages
- Rotate the messages using your two fingers
- Change messages font
- Change messages font color
- Change messages size
- Not happy with the generated Romantic Anniversary message? Tap "10 best matching" button to see the list of 10 selected Romantic Anniversary messages which are best matching for your photo and choose one from it.
Wedding Anniversary Card Maker is fast, easy and personalized way to express your love and make your beloved and friends feel special.
Get this beautiful iPhone app and show your beloved how much you care.