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Weight Loss For Women Visual Motivation 1.2
Screen Shots:
See your weight loss in a visual way. See a model of your today's weight, your heaviest weight and your goal weight.
This app is similar to our popular 'Virtual Weight Loss Model' app. We've partnered with InEthos to create updated versions of your virtual model.
✓ Customize your model with your current weight, goal weight, heaviest weight and your height.
Your model is based on BMI calculations. So she will look different for females who are different heights but who weigh the same.
✓ You can put in your personal data in pounds or kilograms, inches or centimeters (and quickly convert between them).
✓ Choose your models skin and hair color, shoe and dress color.
✓ Record your daily or weekly weight to help you keep track of your progress.
For men, see a similar app: Lose Weight - Visual Motivation for Men.
Some reviews for the initial version;
"It is nice to have a visual goal - of seeing myself get thinner over time! Bonus thanks for such a cool tool!"
"This basic, blinking figure mirrors your journey to the perfect shape. It is preferable to an emotionless graph."
"Very simple to use! It really helps me to keep on track. If I want a cookie or something, I just pull this up and look at it and just go for something healthier."
Let this visual tool help to empower and motivate your weight loss journey. Download and start losing pounds now!