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Whdh 7 Weather Boston 2.7.2
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The 7Weather team provides you with current conditions and your 7-day forecast. Our interactive radar provides real-time radar and satellite information - anywhere in the US. And if stormy weather is headed your way, stick with the 7Stormforce for alerts, school closings and the latest road conditions.
Just like before, this new version of the application includes the ability to add five locations for tracking hourly (tap on a currents), daily & extended weather information, forecasts, and watches and warnings all FREE. Get detailed current conditions by tapping the current temp. Users now get a 6th "current" location that updates whenever the app is opened and severe weather outlooks. Alerts are still shown in the app in the form of badge icons next to each location for free.
• Current conditions, hourly and daily forecasts, and severe weather alert badges and text for your current location
• Level 3 interactive radar, animation/loops and visible satellite map
*Data and alerting available for the United States only.
*Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life