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Winken Blinken And Nod 1.05
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★★★★ Release Sale! Price goes up shortly! ★★★★
Thanks to everyone who helped make us the #1 iPad book! Featured by Apple as new and noteworthy!
Winken, Blinken and Nod is the first iPad book that can hear you speak! Just read the story and watch the animations follow along with your voice. Read with your child and let them touch and shake the screen while the story moves along. All the art has been created from real paper by former Martha Stewart Kids art director, Robin Rosenthal, then carefully animated with smooth, realistic motion and lots of cute effects. Winken, Blinken and Nod has become a fun part of our families’ nightly reading and we can’t wait for you to experience it with your family too.
Learn more and see a demo video at
Note: To those of you in the comments who experienced a crash please email us and we'll help. All the reports so far have been from people running the beta iPad OS which we cannot address yet, so please don't give us bad ratings if you're on beta OS. Thanks!