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Wordsalad Your Salads Redefined 1.2
Screen Shots:
WARNING: in order to create word clouds with your own words you need to FIRST copy the text in another app (Notes app for instance) and THEN tap the "From Clipboard" button. If you left a bad review for this issue, we would not mind you to update it :)
Make great wordsalads out of documents that matter (or not) to you! With WordSalad you can make beautiful word clouds, super customized with different fonts, colors and words layouts.
-Import any text from iOS clipboard with a single tap
-Customize your salads with 8 great fonts
-Color your salads with 8 great palettes
-Feeling creative? WordSalad gives you 5 layouts to position your words
-Save your salads to camera roll for later reuse and export them to pdf (with vector graphics!)
-Share you salads to social networks
-Thanks to state of the art Natural Language Processing technologies, WordSalad is able to detect the language your text is in to filter out the most “boring” and “insignificant” words. This is just to give you the content you really care about! If you need every word to show up, there’s an option for that too
Still in doubts? Here some real USE CASES:
-Need to brainstorm on a document and need a quick way to highlight the words that matter most? Try a wordsalad!
-Need to express your ideas in a different way? Tired of the old PowerPoint thing? Try a wordsalad!
-Need to market a message? Make a poster out of the text of your favourite song? Send a funky love letter? Again WordSalad is a great fit!