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World Of Beer Mobile 2.0.1
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Now you can have a World of Beer in the palm of your hand!
Download this app to accompany your next visit to one of our many nation-wide World of Beer locations! With this app, you'll be able to do the following:
Find A Beer
Use our beer finder to view the entire beer inventory from any of our taverns in real-time! Looking for a light German Pilsner? How about a Dark Ale brewed in the United States? By using smart filtering, you'll be able to find the right beer for you at any time, any location. Can't make up your mind? Just shake the phone and have the app pick a random beer for you! Sort by what's on tap, in bottles, or both! We’ve recently added flags and filters to show you what’s been newly tapped or stocked in our coolers, and show you last chance bottles to try before they run out.
Get Loyalty Information
Have a loyalty card with World of Beer? You can put in your card number and have access to your complete loyalty info! Instantly check your loyalty count and view your entire loyalty list. Looking for a beer you haven't had? Use our loyalty filter to show new beers for you to try out! Forget your card at home? Just turn your phone to the side and show others your virtual loyalty card!
Earn badges!
We’ve rolled out a new feature that lets you earn badges as you get points on your loyalty card. Do you have a Perplexed Palate? Try several different styles of beer and earn a badge. How many countries have you tried beers from? Check out our World Traveler badge and find out.
Look at Upcoming Events & Live Music
See what events and live music are happening at any of our World of Beer locations anywhere! From live events to brewery features and beer specials, be able to see who or what is happening at a WOB near you in advance!
Find Location Info
Want to know where the nearest World of Beer is to you? How about their hours? Phone number? Find this and much more out using the built in map!
Tavern Menus
Hungry? Craving a cocktail? Check out your location’s Tavern Fare and Craft Spirits menus directly from your phone (at participating locations).