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Wrdit Add Text To Your Photos 1.0.0
Screen Shots:
A simple to use “text over pictures” app!
WRDIT is an easy to use app that lets you place text over your pictures. WRDIT has no limits, letting you add as many "captions" as you want, allowing you to edit each of them individually.
Add text...Change the color...Choose from over 80 fonts with more to come... and share to all of your friends via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Save to your Camera Roll.
Add Text
WRDIT allows you to add text over your pictures. And there's no limit to the number of "captions" you can add.
Edit Text
Just tap on your text to bring up the edit menu. Type whatever you want then choose from a multitude of text colors.
Change Font
With over 80 fonts to choose from, and more to come, WRDIT lets you customize each individual caption with your favorite font.
Resize, Rotate, and Move
WRDIT allows you to pinch, twist, and move your text within the frame. You can also use the stepper to change the size of your text.
WRDIT lets you share your creations to the world! Share to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and your Camera Roll. Let all of your friends know that you "Made it with WRDIT"
Take a picture or select from your Camera Roll.
Add multiple text “captions” over your picture.
Edit each caption individually.
Choose your favorite color.
Select from over 80 custom fonts with more to come!
Save your picture to your Camera Roll.
Send to Instagram.
Share with Facebook and Twitter.
Makeit With WRDIT!!! Your creativity is the limit!
Bonus App Discovery
WRDIT now lets you harness the power of the Mobile Brain - MEDL Mobile’s new app discovery engine. Get updates at your beckon call on the hottest new apps, upgrades, special releases and more.
Have Something to Say About WRDIT?
We want to hear it. We are already at work on the next version and we would love to hear what you’d like to see. We are proud to call WRDIT a Shiny MEDL Object. You can see all of them at