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Wx Alert Ks 2.0
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National Weather Service in your pocket! You will be amazed by the level of functionality, features and price! Get yours today and be informed before severe weather moves your way.
Wx Alert KS is a PREMIUM weather alert application for the citizens of Kansas that focuses primarily on providing critical National Weather Service weather ALERTS for potentially life threatening weather via audible push notifications directly to your device 24/7 even if your not currently using the application and your device is asleep and locked.
Wx Alert KS also leverages GPS and or WIFI to geo locate you and retrieve the current conditions along with a detailed 4 day forecast for your current location.
Top Features At A Glance:
* FREE Weather Alert Push Notifications.
* Simple Alert Setup Just Tap To Add.
* Alerts For 1 or Multiple Locations.
* Statewide Watches, Warnings & Advisories.
* Share Weather Alerts Via Facebook & Twitter.
* Beautifully Displayed Weather Data.
Other Features Include:
* Fast & Responsive Customer Support Team.
* Multiple Animated Radars w/Alert Polygons.
* Clean and Professional Designed.
* Beautiful Retina Display Graphics.
* Intuitive User Interface.
Having Problems? We can solve 99% of all issues you may be experiencing. Just send us an email with your concern and we will promptly address your situation.