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Yahoo News Digest 1.6.1
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Get in the know in no time.
Yahoo News Digest provides a definitive summary of all the important, need-to-know news. Digests are delivered twice a day - once in the morning and once in the evening. All the top stories are summarized and presented with the key information that you need to stay on top of what’s happening.
Each story is created from multiple sources to present the essential bits and pieces of information, known as “Atoms”. Atoms are key quotes, images, videos, stock tickers, maps, infographs, and Wikipedia excerpts among others. These atomic units provide a unique context to the news. Our stories are both algorithmically and hand curated to ensure high quality, and come with a textual summary.
Yahoo News Digest makes your reading experience comprehensive, effortless, and complete, and is customized for both iPhone and iPad. If you get your News Digest on an iPad, you’ll also enjoy a weekly Katie Couric video show, the ability to customize when you receive your news and, in the US edition, extra news categories called Sections which include atomized stories on a whole range of topics.
We are committed to building the best mobile experience and are interested in your feedback.
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