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Yan Lieshan Collection 1.0.1
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Yan Lieshan is a veteran columnist of Southern Weekly, one of China’s leading newspapers. He also writes editorials for a number of well-known Chinese newspapers. This application collects 49 of his classical articles,presenting his unique sights of the Chinese society and culture.
Southern Weekly media group is one of the most influential media organizations in China.
Southern Weekly (Nanfang Zhoumo), the flagship media of the corporation, is one of China's most popular newspapers with an average 1.6 million circulation for each publication.
Southern People Magazine is China's leading news weekly magazine, with a 18% circulation share of the retail market in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
应用采用高清素材,完美支持iPhone4 Retina显示屏。
鄢烈山:资深报纸编辑、专栏作家。1952年1月出生于湖北省江汉平原;1986年春入新闻界, 现为南方报业传媒集团高级编辑、南方周末报社总编辑助理。入选《南方人物周刊》2004年所评“影响(当代)中国的公共知识分子50人”。,