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Yi Fang Chi Chieh 2.5.2
Screen Shots:
#Please Note: The contents of "YI FANG CHI CHIEH" are written by Traditional/Simplified Chinese Fonts
The book "YI FANG CHI CHIEH" was published in B.C. 1682 by a famous Chinese Medicine Doctor ,"WANG ANG" of the Chin Dynasty. The contents included more than 800 Chinese Medicine Agents WHICH were labeled in 21 categories. For Chinese Medicine clinical practice and related research, "YI FANG CHI CHIEH" is a specialized Chinese Medicine book which has played a significant role through out history affecting Chinese medicinal studies/research.
And now, users will be able to look up names of medicine agents by the handwriting input method supported by iphone/iPod Touch easily and rapidly. Users can bookmark the agent's name easily and rapidly in order for future references. In browser mode, users will be able to zoom in/out the contents for easier reading by pinching iPhone/iPod Touch.
The software supports both tradiational and simplified Chinese. Users can control the On/Off switch of Simplifed Chinese Font Display in Settings Panel.
"Mark": Add to the Bookmark
"Picker": Open the Picker View
"Edit": Edit the Bookmark
Close the Picker: Tap the black area of the Picker View