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Yooba Kiosk 3.1.0
Screen Shots:
Yooba Kiosk provides long-term customer interaction solutions for Apple’s world–leading devices. Now businesses can manage professional and cost-effective applications for retail, showrooms, events, exhibitions, restaurants, museums, waiting rooms and more. These unique iOS-apps are managed on Yooba’s platform, which provides full control of the content for individual iPads or larger groups. And updates and scheduling are easily managed - without programming skills.
NOTE: This app can only be used with a Yooba Platform License which must be purchased separately.
One or more iPads provide a digital platform that enables brands to make their services and offerings more visual, whilst simultaneously injecting functionality into their marketing. The iPad’s format and vast interactive capabilities simplify the creation of fresh new opportunities to enhance the user experience and increase engagement. Pictures, video and intuitive navigation bring information to life, enabling users to get more involved in your messaging and product presentations.
Inform and engage using an iPad as an interactive kiosk display:
• Collect user data through built-in forms
• Showcase products, services and prices
• Create interactive product catalogues
• Create events-within-events in the iPad – such as competitions etc.
• Extend marketing campaigns right into the physical store
• Inspire loyalty with brand-building content marketing
• Database support for creation of dynamic scenes based on users’ choices – both image and text-based
• Web reader component for showing external web sites
• Document viewer for PDF, Office, iWorks, etc
• Support for including data in SMS; email from external sources
Opportunities and qualities:
• Native app – no loading times
• Distribute content via Wi-Fi or 3G
• Save content locally on the iPad
• Built-in response activities: email, SMS, HTTP etc.
• Web-based platform for management and updates
• Play video
• Schedule content for optimised messaging, just when needed
• Centralised control over what’s displayed on each iPad
• ‘Selection viewer’ – presents relevant content based on previous choices
• Display content in portrait or landscape mode
• Versioning for complete control
• Built-in ‘touch actions’ for easy interaction
• Built-in forms for data collection
• Slideshow capability for presentations
• Built-in ‘in-and-out’ animations at object level
• Yooba ‘Content Editor’ for easy management using ready-made templates