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Yourversion Hd 2.2
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Discover your version of the web!™
YourVersion HD is the best way to stay on top of the topics you care about on your iPad. YourVersion HD brings you the latest news, blogs, webpages, tweets, videos, and Quora Q&A tailored to your specific interests.
With the YourVersion HD App for the iPad, you can:
• Stay on top of the latest information relevant to the topics you care about
• Browse the latest news, blog posts, tweets, videos, and Quora questions and answers
• View the latest content for all your interests together or filter on a particular interest
• View all content types or filter on just News, Blogs, Webpages, Twitter, Videos, or Quora
• Click on any item's title link to view that page
• Share pages you discover via email or Twitter
Check out what YourVersion users are saying:
• "YourVersion has given me very relevant information on topics that I'm interested in, without me having to go through 15-30 minutes worth of searching."
• "Fast access to pertinent information on topics that are of interest to me."
• "I really like the concept of being able to have a discovery engine that brings me content that is relevant to an area of interest I have specified."
• "The ability to customize my news/info feed to what I want is great. The navigation is easy."
• "YourVersion helps me access content that is either professionally or personally important to me that I otherwise wouldn't see."
• "I like that the content is always changing, and I'm pleasantly surprised by the diversity of content I receive."
• "Discovery! I didn't really understand the difference between discovery and search; now I do. And, it's powerful."
Compatible with iPad