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Zonefirst 1.0
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This App will help calculate the energy savings resulting from adding ZONEFIRST Zone Temperature Control Systems to your heating and air conditioning Zoning allows you to control the temperature in each zone of your home using thermostat controlled motorized duct dampers that direct the flow of conditioned air to the zones you’re occupying. By entering your monthly utility bill, and other information about your energy usage, the cost of installation of your zoning system, you can get an estimation of how much ZONEFIRST will save you in energy and provide a return on your investment. The ability to save energy and improve your comfort is what ZONEFIRST Zone Control is all about. Just like you have a light switch in every room in your home, a thermostat in every zone will allows you to shut off the rooms or zones you’re not using saving energy here while keeping comfortable in the zone you’re occupying. Heating and cooling typically represents 50% to 75% of your monthly utility bill. Zoning your HVAC is a little though of option that can give you a big payback.