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3d Round Three Dw Edition Free
Screen Shots:
Attention!!! ALL OS6,7 users!!!Read Full Descripton before you use it or rate it!!!!
0.Restart you device or pull the battery right after you enable the theme for the first time;
1.This is a special verion of Round Three made for all Doctor Who fans like me, and it's FREE with full function;
2.If You are not a DW fan, you should try a normal version;
3.Please leave a review it will be very helpful to me and other users,but make sure you have read the full description;
4.Do NOT leave your question in the review, I can't reply to them.If you need my help, you can use feedback in the appworld directly,or mail to:;
5.OS7 users must upgrade your device OS to 7.1 to use a custom theme.
Main Features:
1. Latest icons from BlackBerry OS7;
2. 6 icons in the homescreen with animated 3D layout(5 user-defined + Browser with Tardis Icon
3. One weather Slot(Under English Input: +/- = show/hide) ;
4. Pefect Asia language support;
5. Special charging animation;
6. Extra hotkeys:
w=manage connections;
$=sms($ key must set to US dollar)
+/-=show/hide weather slot
h/H="T" mode/quit
Escape=stop charging animation
There are three other themes in this series,Round One with OS5 icons,Round Two with OS6 icons and Round Three with OS7 icons, don't forget to check them out :)
I'm open to suggestions and complainment. If you find bugs or have ideas,feel free to let me know. Let's make a perfect theme together! if you like it, don't forget to rate it,thanks ;)
Theme support: or twitter
One thing OS7 users have to know before you purchase or rate it:
All app in the folders(game,media,im .etc) will be invisible, it's a bug caused by themebuilder, and these's nothing I can do until RIM release an official themebulider for OS7.
You can move the apps to the homescreen folder or use hotkey,universalsearch,or software like quicklauncher to launch them.