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Code Factory Mobile Speak V2.91_ramu 2.91
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download after rename to SIS to ZIP
Then install two sis files
Code Factory Mobile Speak v2.91 (S60v2)
Mobile Speak is a screen reader application for mobile phones that allows access to all the features of the device.
Mobile Speak is to mobile phones what JAWS is to desktop computers
The use of mobile phones is one of the challenges facing the vision-impaired. Mobile phones are designed primarily on visual concepts, without considering the needs of the blind or partially sighted. Mobile Speak is a screen reader solution for mobile phones that allows access to most of the functionality of the device. Mobile Speak is to mobile phones what JAWS is to desktop computers.
Product Highlights
* Works with a wide range of text-to-speech technologies, including Fonix, Acapela and Loquendo.
* Available in over 20 languages.
* Provides several verbosity levels for a better user experience.
* Additional voices and languages can be plugged in.
* Supports the Optelec EasyLink Braille keyboard.
Product Info
Mobile Speak is a screen reader for mobile phones, providing speech feedback as you navigate through the phone's user interface. Mobile Speak allows access to all of the phone's applications, including third-party applications that are not part of the standard set of software supplied with the phone. Mobile Speak is a high-quality software solution with many additional features at a good price. It also includes bundled software, such as Code Factory's accessible calculator, an accessible sound recorder, a game, a MP3 player, and FExplorer, a file-system browser.
Mobile Speak is offered in a variety of languages: American and British English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Arabic, Turkish, Polish, Chinese, Russian, Greek and Czech.
Mobile Speak allows a free trial license so that you can freely test the software with no restrictions for one month.
Supported PhonesMobile Speak is designed to work with the Symbian operating system and is carrier-independent.