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Crimean Symdvr V1.300 S60v53 Anna Belle 1.30
Screen Shots:
SymDVR is a professional video recorder utility.
Some of the key features are:
⢠non-stop video recording
⢠background recording
⢠logging GPS info
⢠writing subtitles with date-time and GPS data
Also you are able to save important videos to "Favorites" on the fly. SymDVR together with your Nokia phone is a great tracking device in your car, which - in the case of a traffic accident - might be used as an evidence to resolve disputes.
Pure software. No trial, no ads.
Changelogs v1.30(0):
1. fixed bugs
2. added notification signs about new sms, missed calls and battery status on camera screen
3. added alert about new sms
4. icon "Start record" replaced with "Record/Stop" added setting "Stop" action -> Back to menu, Exit SymDVR
5. added feature which notify about excess of speed with two modes: city and highway
6. added setting 18 frames per second.