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Magic Video Effects 9 1.4
Screen Shots:
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (4th generation), iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd generation) and iPad Wi-Fi + 4G.Requires iOS 5.0 or later.
Magic Video Effects 9+
Magic Video Effects 9+ app provide nine camera filters to create funny videos, include: THIN, FAT, SHORT, TALL, WEIRD, CRAZY, SCARY, FUNNY, REALLY FUNNY, FALL DOWN ON THE FLOOR FUNNY, MULTIPLE PARTS, MISSING PARTS, HUGE PARTS, TOON OIL PAINT !!
Instead of a normal plane mirror that reflects a perfect mirror image, distorting mirrors are curved mirrors, often using convex and concave sections to achieve the distorted effect.
Click Start button to start record, and click Finish button to stop record, it is so simple.
High-resolution: 640x480 10fps for iPhone4, 640x480 30fps for iPhone4s, iPad2 and The New iPad
9 effect filters
Real-time change filter values for fun video
Take Video and Photo
Back Camera and Front camera supported