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Screen Shots:
A full-featured comic book & image viewer.
PictoPocket Features:
* Full-featured comic book & image viewer
* Requires Windows Mobile 5.0 or greater, and .NET Compact Framework 3.5 * Reads .CBDS (ComicBookDS) file format only.
- This format, originally created for the Nintendo DS, is optimized for viewing comic books on small screen devices.
- Use PictoDS to convert your image scans, PDF files, CBR files, or CBZ files into CBDS format. PictoDS is a free download available for Windows, Mac and Linux!
- This blog post has some useful information about converting and finding legal comic book files, and also has a few CBDS files ready to try out (check the Files section after following the link).
- The Moon Books Project also has free CBDS downloads.
* Touch-screen and D-pad navigation
* Full screen toggle (tap bottom of screen to return to standard view)
* Positional indicators on border of screen
* Auto-navigation to next cell or page using D-pad at the image edge (positional indicator will turn red first)
* Custom zoom level, 100%, or fit to screen
* Thumbnail page index
* Remembers last comic book opened
* Remembers last position in each comic book
* Recently opened list