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Please change .jar into .zip before installing. Amazing Video player for Symbian OS Series 60v3AVI(DivX, XVid), MP4. Inteligent design and high performance allow you to enjoy your favourite movies and clips wherever you are. Download clips you like either from the Internet or rip clips from DVDs and watch them on your phone. phones. Supports most popular formats such as like - supports most popular video formats: AVI(DivX, Xvid), MP4 - full screen mode with THREE different orientations - high performance, watch your clips without delays - Start with time function allows you to start playback at any time - sort the clips either by name or duration - adjust brightness, contrast and saturation for best image Since smartphones have screen size smaller than PCs have, it is highly recommended to convert video clips for screen resolution 320x240 to achieve the best performance. You can also use DVD ripping software to rip your favourite movies from DVD to AVI formats and watch them on your phone. SUPPORTED DEVICES: SYMBIAN S60V5: NOKIA C5-03 , NOKIA C6 , NOKIA X6 , NOKIA 5800 XPRESS MUSIC , NOKIA 5230 , NOKIA 5233 , NOKIA N97 , NOKIA 5530 XPRESS MUSIC , NOKIA 5250 , NOKIA N97 MINI , SONY ERICSSON VIVAZ PRO , NOKIA 5235 , NOKIA 5800 NAVIGATION EDITION , SONY ERICSSON SATIO , SONY ERICSSON VIVAZ , SAMSUNG I8910 OMNIA HD and other SYMBIAN S60V5 DEVICES. SYMBIAN^3, SYMBIAN ANNA : NOKIA N8 , NOKIA X7, NOKIA E7 , NOKIA C7 , NOKIA C6-01 and other SYMBIAN^3 DEVICES.