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Ucplayer Eng 3.0.6
Screen Shots:
UCPlayer Eng for s60v3 and s60v5
Change log:
1. New user interface (UI), to bring more fresh feeling.
2. New video navigation center, recommended richer.
3. Intelligent video version selection.
4. More intuitive local video list, by the way you capture video preview.
5. Search for hot words recommended, making it easier to find the hottest most recent fire video.
6. you can keep it as default video player
7. now support .f4v also
← - switch the navigation column to left /rewind
↑ - Increase Volume
↓ - Reduce Volume
→ - switch the navigation column to right /fast forward
Ok key - play or pause
1 - Switch to left navigation column
2 - Fast switching channels classication
3 - Switch to Right navigation column
5 - zoom in / out
* key - toggle full screen
# key - Mute switches
0 key - exiting UC player
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