This Version of Ciel was added on 09-06-2016 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 238 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Ciel for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Ciel may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
Make sure that your mobile phone is compatible for this version of Ciel, Before download Ciel Mobile Phone App you should know about the screen resolution, hardware compatibility of your mobile phone device. If you feel this version is right option for your mobile device then go and download Ciel for absolutely FREE. You can go to Photo category for large number of related free downloads. In case of any problem for downloading this version please contact us to solve this problem.
Download Latest Version of Ciel for Free. Mobile Phones is online mobile phone software stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads.
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Screen Shots:
*All Ciel Packs are FREE for a limited time in Thailand region only. Offers end in July.
*Existing users that have already install Free/Paid template packs before can re-download the pack from Ciel store by clicking "buy" - the system will tell you that you have already owned this pack and proceed to install without having to buy again.
Share the sky with the All-new Ciel. Add weather, places, food, lifestyle information to your photo, and share it to the world.
"CIEL STORE" With loads of template included and more from our Ciel STORE (on the Top Right), choose your own, specify your Place template with location data from Foursquare, adjust the STAR Rating in the Food template.
Ciel also let you share with Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram and check in with Foursquare,
So go ahead and share your sky with Ciel!
New in
- All new weather system, faster location loading.
- Support for future templates with more info.
- All new forecast template "Vision" in the Ciel Store
- Share to all of your apps.
- Improved typeface displaying.
Contact support at