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7 In 1 Tools 1.1
Screen Shots:
"7 in 1 Tools" is an app with 7 tools in 1 app.....just like the name says! Its an app that provides seven tools to make your life easier....or just add a little fun to it if nothing else!
1. You have a temperature converter where you can convert temperatures between kelvin, celsius and fahrenheit.
2. You also have a reaction time to figure out your reaction speed.
3. A battery status to see your current battery power.
4. A password generator to generate your passwords and then email them to your self.
5. A tool to decide for you: "Yes or No" - "True or False" -"a b c or d" and more.
6. Predict when you are going to die based on average life spans.
7. An app counter. Push the button to add up your items and never worry about losing track of your count.