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Almalence Photoacute V3.50
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PhotoAcute Mobile application makes it possible to take high-quality and low-noise pictures with your camera phone, as if it had a larger matrix and better lens.
By applying state-of-the-art image processing techniques, PhotoAcute allows the user to achieve up to 2-times increase in resolution.
PhotoAcute Example
PhotoAcute Mobile features:
* Increased image resolution
* Pictures with fine details that are usually invisible/indistinguishable
* Image noise reduction
* Geometry correction
* Interlacing artefacts removal
* Improving brighteness at the edges of picture
The resolution of mobile phone cameras is relatively low. Nowadays they usually have 1-2 megapixels, while generic digital cameras resolution starts from 3 megapixels.
Size matters, details make the difference
PhotoAcute Mobile produces 2-times larger photographs (for example, 2400x1800 instead of 1600x1200 for Nokia N90). Unlike the digital zooming and image sharpening, resultant photographs produced by PhotoAcute Mobile do really have higher spatial resolution. Small, thin and far away objects, textures and inions become recognizable.
How does it work?
PhotoAcute Mobile processes several photographs taken in sequence mode, thus acquiring more graphic information than is available from a single photograph. Using sophisticated proprietary algorithms it combines the individual images to produce one large-sized and high-quality image. It also performs additional image processing to make the resultant picture sharper and remove defects. Using the state-of-art algorithms allows it to achieve a great increase in quality.
PhotoAcute Mobile performs all image processing on the handset, so you do not need to use any desktop computer.
Devices: Nokia 3250, Nokia 5320, Nokia 5500, Nokia 5630, Nokia 5730, Nokia 6210, Nokia 6220, Nokia 6650, Nokia 6710, Nokia 6720, Nokia E50, Nokia E51, Nokia E52, Nokia E55, Nokia E63, Nokia E66, Nokia E71, Nokia E75, Nokia N71, Nokia N73, Nokia N78, Nokia N79, Nokia N80, Nokia N81, Nokia N82, Nokia N85, Nokia N86, Nokia N91, Nokia N93, Nokia N95, Nokia N95 8GB, Nokia N96, Samsung I7110, Samsung INNOV8, Samsung SGH G810, Samsung SGH i450, Samsung SGH i550, Samsung SGH i560, Samsung SGH L870