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Confident Job Interview 1.0
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Would you like to feel confident and relaxed at your next interview?
Going for a job interview can be a challenging experience for all kinds of reasons. But the better prepared you are, practically and psychologically, the easier it will be. It is vital that you speak clearly and really focus on the interview questions.
This application, created by Darren Marks, one of the UKs leading and most effective hypnotherapists is designed to help you reach that point of self-assuredness, confidence, and relaxation, enabling you to go with the flow of the questions or tasks and simply be the best you can be in that moment.
Darrens audios were recently described in Yoga Magazine as “The Ultimate in Self Help… The high quality recordings entertain, relax, entrance and help get results rapidly”.
*The powerful hypnosis audio session Confident Job Interview.
* Additional hypnosis sessions designed to enhance and reinforce the interview session:
1) Relax Completely
2) Let Go of Fear & Anxiety
3) Total Relaxation in 10 minutes
* Hypnosis sessions incorporate dual vocal delivery & unique powerful audio technology designed to help the listener access a deep hypnotic, meditation state much more quickly and easily than would be usually be possible.
* A choice of beautiful, relaxing video animations to run with the audio programs
* Video interviews to help you understand and feel comfortable with the process and to simulate as closely as possible what its like to see Darren in person.
* Additional tips for overcoming phobias and anxiety
*Sleep options for the majority of sessions
Download Confident Job Interview now and make your next interview a success on very level!