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Conqu 2.0
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Conqu is an easy to use yet powerful task management tool designed to help you conquer your inbox and get things done. With Conqu, you can organize the tasks by criteria that makes sense to you and then find the right task to do at the right time and place. Whether you are a GTDĀ® pro or you just need a simple to-do list, Conqu will provide you with all the tools you need.
--- Optimized for iPad 2 ----
Conqu allows you to assign a project, energy and time required to finish a task, and additional filtering criteria such as tags or contexts to any task.
Main features:
* Unlimited everything: tasks, projects, contexts, contacts or tags.
* Filtering by contexts, tags, energy or time
* Delegation of tasks to other people so that they don't clutter your to-dos
* Future view to see what lies ahead in the next few days
* Back burner view for tasks that you have put off to do at a later time
* Work offline: you don't have to be connected to the internet to be able to access all your tasks
* Stay focused with views that are intelligently organized like TODAY and NEXT
* Sync with your desktop and phone over the cloud with ConquSync (paid service)