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Designs For Pages 2.5
Screen Shots:
The modern and polished Designs for Pages pack for iPhone and iPad supplies a set of 1050 easy-to-use templates for creating business and personal content with Apple’s Pages for iOS.
The Designs for Pages set gives a comprehensive selection of templates from books and invitations to posters and labels. All templates have been streamlined to make the best use of the Pages for iOS application. Each and every layout – from the definitive style of text-only pages to the sparkling mix of pictures and slogans in the poster and greeting cards templates – features the best design quality, set apart by attention to fine points, high usability and ample creativity.
All templates are available in the popular A4 (210 x 297 mm) and US Letter (8½ x 11 in.) sizes.
Nearly all objects in Designs for Pages can be effortlessly recolored, moved or removed. Type or paste your own text, add or remove text boxes and change the font if you wish. Replace stock images with your own photos or pictures. Unleash your imagination!
Requirements: Pages for iOS.