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Duet Display 1.1.0
Screen Shots:
#1 iPad Paid App in US and 11 other countries!
Duet Display allows you to use your iPad or iPhone as an extra display. Developed by a team of ex-Apple engineers, duet is the first high performance solution that has zero lag.
Work more effectively with duet. An additional display can increase productivity for engineers, musicians, designers, and artists by up to 48%.
To setup, download and open duet on your Mac or PC (for free) and on iOS. Connect your iDevice to your Mac using a lightning or 30 pin cable. Done.
No need to worry about firewall settings, Wi-Fi speed or your 802.11n network. Duet is secure, simple, and allows you to use your iOS and OS X devices in harmony.
And feel free to use your touch screen for interaction with your new display.
Check out our demo video:
-Lag Free
-Plug and Play Setup
-60 Frames Per Second
-Retina Display (optional)
-Secure Wired Connection
-Touch Enabled
-Same Day Support
Duet In The News
TechCrunch - "Feels Like Magic"
Time - "Getting Work Done Faster and More Efficiently"
The Guardian - "Lag-free"
Forbes - "The simple thing to note is this...Duet Display works."
The Verge - "Glorious Fluidity"
Lifehacker - "It's fast, easy to use, and works great"
Business Insider - "Zero lag and true retina resolution"
From Our Customers
"I really like the app, I suppose the biggest compliment I can give is that it's so easy to setup it almost seems like an Apple product.”
~Mat Nightingale
"I love your product!! I used to use Air Display but even on Mavericks it was somewhat choppy and required wifi. I have been wanting a USB option like this for years.”
~Scotty Bolinger
"I've wanted something like this since I got my iPad, it works great and does exactly what it's supposed to do. Amazing! It's like I suddenly have a new, second monitor that I can use anywhere. So thanks.”
~Isaac Shore
"Amazing solution for me by the way. Works as I was hoping for and actually my main reason for getting an iPad : )”
~Mikkel Gemzoe
"I have been using Duet and it has been A FANTASTIC experience!"
~Vineet T.
"Duet is by far the best tech of anyone in this market. I've tried them all, iScreen, Air Display, DisplayPad, iDisplay, etc. it doesn't matter. If you want a second screen, you want duet. Hands down."
~Anonymous Quora User
Devices supported:
All iPhones with iOS 7.0 and later
All iPads with iOS 7.0 and later
All Macs with 10.9 (Mavericks) and later
All PCs with Windows 7 or later
Learn more at