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Fxhk Cloud Print 2.8.4
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Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Cloud Print app provides a convenience platform for mobile workers and on-the-go users to print documents such as contracts, proposals or personal files from iPhone or iPad to their designated print shops. By integrating the internet map, you could select the nearest print shops which are available for you to pick up the documents anywhere in Hong Kong.
Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Cloud Print supports as followings:
- Preview printing output
- Send finished instructions (e.g. Duplex, Orientation, Color and Paper Size)
- Estimate the printing cost
- Print your photos and documents (Microsoft Excel*, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe PDF) anywhere
- Open files directly in Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Cloud Print from other apps supporting "Open-in" file sharing
* The printing options will be followed by the print setting of each excel spread sheet, such as page layout, color, print area and etc.
With this innovative printing service, mobile workers could enhance their working efficiency by printing anywhere!
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