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Garden Plan Pro 2.0.5
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***Garden Plan Pro was selected as App of the Week in 2012 and 2014. It was featured in Apple’s introductory video at the World Wide Developers Conference in June 2014 and was selected for the recent iPad Air 2 advert ‘Change.’***
Plan your perfect vegetable, herb and fruit garden on your iPad or iPhone with Garden Plan Pro – Your Garden in Your Hands. From the creators of the most successful online Garden Planner ( with over 350,000 users, Garden Plan Pro combines expert plant knowledge with simple-to use tools.
● FLEXIBLE GARDEN DESIGN - works with any shape of garden, raised beds, rows or containers
● VEGETABLES, HERBS AND FRUIT - add single plants, rows, blocks or SFG squares and instantly see how many plants fit. Easily rearrange them until you get the perfect layout.
● FULL GROWING INFORMATION for over 190 plants with thousands of varieties from popular suppliers pre-loaded (varieties currently available for US, Canada, UK, Ireland, EU and South Africa only. Please note that this app doesn't cater for ornamental flower gardening.)
● INTELLIGENT ADVICE– shows you how to rotate crops, plan succession planting and much more
● ADAPTS TO YOUR AREA – using our database of thousands of weather stations Garden Plan Pro will recommend the best planting and harvesting dates for your area
● PLANTING REMINDERS – includes a free online services that emails you twice a month with a personal list of what to plant from your plans and location
● BONUS CONTENT – includes articles that help you plan, start seeds, avoid pests and produce a bountiful harvest.
● PRIORITY SUPPORT – personal support by email to help you get the most from the app
● Garden objects such as sheds and greenhouses to add to your plans
● Journal and ‘to do’ functions to help you track and plan what is done in the garden
● Pest and disease database
● Much more...