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Justaple Ipad 1.0.0
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★★★★★ Best choice to archive a web page – Justaple: Internet Stapler.
Take your iPad and Just Staple it! You can use Justaple to staple all your favorite web pages when surfing internet!
Regardless of how many times have passed, everything you archived will be the same as original pages. It is as simple as using iPad to take pictures around your life. Justaple staples every web page you enjoyed.
★★★★★ Switching on your Justaple now: Just Staple Pages!
★★★ Web pages you staple will never change.
The web pages you archived through Justaple will always be the same as you saw at beginning forever. Link broken? Web content changed? How could it happen again!
★★★ Stapling your favorite web pages for free
Justaple won’t occupied your iPad storage and you don’t need to worry about the disappearance of the web pages. Justaple also provides unlimited number of staples (web pages which you would like to archive), if you are surfing a web page you like, just staple it!
★★★ Removing ads and enjoying reading
Is the ads on the web page bothering you? Justaple will analyze the important contents and images and present a comfortable reading area. Just enjoy your reading on iPad.
★★★ Reading stapled web pages without internet
All of your stapled web pages can synchronize with your iPad in advance. You don’t need to worry about the terrible quality of internet while reading.
★★★ Sharing with Facebook
You can share any web pages you stapled on your Facebook, or send an awesome web page to your friends through Facebook. Your friends won’t miss the good articles.