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Mailbox 2.4.3
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The fast, fun mobile inbox that puts email in its place.
Note: Currently for Gmail and iCloud accounts. Other email platforms are on the way!
Mailbox is a completely redesigned inbox that makes email light, fast, and mobile-friendly. Quickly swipe messages to your archive or trash. Scan an entire conversation at once with chat-like organization. Snooze emails until later with the tap of a button — they’ll return to your inbox automatically so you can focus on what's important now.
Mailbox checks your email from the cloud and delivers it to your phone securely. Now with Auto-swipe, Mailbox learns from your swipes and snoozes to automate common actions. Mute that conversation you don’t care about, snooze messages from your friend to this evening, or route all of your receipts to a list — automatically.
Mailbox’s delightful UI and smart features make getting to zero — and staying there — a breeze. After you experience a clean inbox, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
“Already the app I use most often.”
—MG Siegler,
“The best email management app you'll ever use.”
— Ryan Lawler, TechCrunch