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Mobile Kaigi 1.4.5
Screen Shots:
Mobile kaigi by NRI Netcom, Ltd. is a secured conference system using
iPad to realize a paperless conference. You need the server system to
use this application.
Participants who have approval to join the conference from the
conference organizer (chair person) can log in to a virtual meeting room
by using the conference system on iPad. Simultaneously, conference
material will show up on each participant's iPad screen with tha same magnification
rate. It is synchronised with the chair person's screen, who controls
the material.
Features of the conference system are
・Holding a conference anywhere; access to the conference material at
the same time, even from a remote location.
As long as you are within a wireless communication area, you can browse
the conference material like you are actually at a conference, from a
remote location. The combined usage of the existing audio or TV
conference system enables other members in the remote offices to join
the conference. They can also see the conference material simultaneously.
・Reducing the system installation and removal costs.
A conventional conference system required the set up a terminal (display)
and a screen in a conference room, this required investment of a large
sum of money, there was also a disadvantage such as conference space
being immobile. In comparison to the conventional system, this system is
cheaper to install and it is cost effective, as it’s easy to move iPad
Conference System when your office is relocating.
・Participants can switch to “Free browsing mode”, which enables them
to turn the pages freely by themselves.
Usually conference material will show up automatically as the chair
person proceeds with the conference, but also participants can browse
the material in their own pace.
・Limiting access to the conference material by participant
Conference participants can be managed by IDs and passwords.
Participants can only view the conference material that they are allowed
access to. You can limit access to the material by participant.
・No risk of divulging information when an iPad went missing.
Conference material will be saved on the server, so there will be no
data on your iPad after the conference is finished. So there is no risk
of divulging information even if you lost your iPad.
User attribute:
HOST - role of chairperson. Make the screen of participants synchronized
with HOST screen.
GUEST - screen is synchronized by HOST.
SGUEST - screen is synchronized by HOST. And can open other file in
Async mode.
[Demo & Trial]
If you want to see demo or to use this system, please contact to