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Net Detect
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Network signal detector for mobile phones.
Sounds an alert to let you know when the network becomes available without you needing to keep looking at the phone. Useful and safer while travelling in poor signal areas.
Can be used where the network signal is variable/patchy to provide an audio indication of current status without user needing to look at the phone or press any keys. An example of use is where there is a need to make an urgent call or send a text but a signal is not available. The user can walk/drive to a different location. The audio sound alerts the user who can then safely stop and use the phone at the next convenient and safe place.
Checks whether the phone data network is available and sounds an alert when network signal first detected. Can also be asked to continue checking periodically and to alert you when the signal is lost and regained. Has different alert sounds allowing you to know the current state without needing to look at the phone.
The Alert Mode can be set to your preferred mode, eg once only until network found, repeated checking for an up to date status, or only by command. Your chosen setting is saved and reused each the application is run. Whichever Alert Mode is chosen, commands are also available to immediately start or stop network detection.
Volume, alternative sounds, vibrate and flash are selected in the main setup menu