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Nokia 5530 Cfw 40.0.003
Screen Shots:
:Made bY:
Download and rename from .sis to .doc
Download Custom Firmware from here
Deskclock skins
No Scroll Bar with 4x4 menu
Screen Shots
Splash Screens (copy c:\Resource\apps) using explore
## Performance:
--Smooth User Interface for heavy loading.
--Fast, Quick and Stable performance.
--Very High Frame Rates per Second for Gaming and running Applications.
## General Modifications:
--Extra Sensor settings - Tapping controls Added.
--Java Permissions completely Removed.
--Widgets Security is now Disabled. No harassment!
--Ovi Contacts Completely removed and Disabled.
--Tap to Unlock Added with working Notifications.
--Press and Hold '0' to Switch ON Bluetooth.
## Miscellaneous:
--Swipe Homescreen to get all widgets cleared.
--Theme Effects are ON by default.
--Rotation is ON.
--General profile renamed to 'Nadeem Taj'. [Come on, Give me some credits!
##Internet and Browsing:
--Browser version is
--Center text added.
--Options menu pops up everytime Headset/Headphone is connected [Just like OFW.
## Graphics:
--Custom Menu Busy Circle [Gridroot
--Symbian Anna Theme Effects [Fast and Good-looking! .
--Colourful Anna + N9 Meego Icons [Exclusive
--Belle Symbols on HS!
## Media and Music:
--Audio Codecs added from Allure [Exclusive
--Symbian 3 Equalizer. One touch Equalizer.
--4 more equalisers added to Music Player.
--Radio RDS fixed. Listen to your local Radio.
--Music Player reads only E:Sounds Folder. Move all your Music to E:Sounds folder.
--Music Menu [Music HS: TTPod & DzMusic Keys. [Exclusive
--RealPlayer Added to Videos & TV menu [Videos HS [Exclusive
--RealPlayer hidden from the menu.
--Mpeg Codecs added! [Exclusive
## Gallery:
--Photobrowser added to Photos menu. [Photos HS
--Gallery contains Delete Button in place of Share Online.
--Gallery speed mod [Load Galleries faster. [Exclusive
## Messaging:
--More pages of characters in the Symbols page. Press star in messaging to see.
--Smilies changed!
--Smiley size increased!
--Removed Messaging lag completely!
--Added Conversation to Messaging
--Default Sent items set to 999.
## Fonts:
--Nokia Pure Bold fonts by n0tr3v3.
--Clock font changed to N8.
[Personal Only
## Keyboard:
--Auto Rotate Keyboard [Alphanumeric to Qwerty Fixed.
--C5-03 Qwerty icons Added.
--3 Row Qwerty Keyboard Layout
## Date and Time:
--Digital Clock set as default.
--Clock is now 24 Hour format.
--Date is DD-MM-YYYY format.
## Lights and Keyguard:
--Lights when wired Headset/Headphone is connected. [Screen will Li