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Note Amp Share 1.9.0
Screen Shots:
Rank No.1 in Japan App Store (Productivity)
Save notes and share them on Twitter, Evernote, Facebook, Tumblr, Dropbox, Google Docs, Plurk, SMS, E-Mail, and Clipboard with single tap!
" it looks like a great option for handling your iPad (and iPhone) text editing, especially if your notes need to go to more than one place." - TUAW
"If you’re looking for a note taking app that allows synchronization and upload with several services, Note & Share is probably the way to go...I’d say for the extra features, spring for Note & Share." - TiPb
"for all users who are looking for a note taking application that seamlessly allows syncing and uploading of contents then they should definitely go for Note & Share." - iPhone Jots
Core Features
- Send note to multiple services including Twitter, Evernote, Facebook, Tumblr, Dropbox, Google Docs, Plurk, SMS, E-Mail, Clipboard and local note.
- Automatic Dropbox sync - Edit note across platforms! filenames automatically set to first line of your note
- Markdown support - Convert Markdown syntax to HTML for Email/Evernote/Google Docs
- Gesture support - Swipe Left or Right to move cursor
- Evernote hash tags/notebook support
- Bookmarklet to share web page on Safari
- Built-in URL shortener and word counter for sharing webpage on Twitter
- Powerful local note functions
- HMTL export to clipboard
- Support TextExpander
- Use it on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
--Markdown Brief Tutorial--
To make text bold: **Bold**
To make text italic: *Italic*
To add link: [Example Link](
To add image: ![Image name](
For more information please read
More sharing services are on the way! Send us email and tell us what you need.
* Turning on Markdown Conversion provide a button to hide the Markdown tool bar. We will fix the bug in next update. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.