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Note For Lock Hd 5.0
Screen Shots:
This app will protect your valuable, private and important note from not allowed person.
If you did create password for your note, you need password for reading content.
This Note app can make new note and also it does edit and delete your note.
Enter Password dialog, enter the digital input and lets you choose how.
Makes it easy for you to write notes to the screen and keyboard devices, depending on the location of the rotation.
This app can be sent by e-Mail,SMS,clipboard immediately wrote a note.
Through a secondary keyboard for emoticons can easily enter the emoticons.
Search and you can see a list of written notes.
Choose from five kinds of background can.
Notes of the auto-correction toggle through the letters are switched off.
Simple, modern interface and adds a refreshing sound.
V 1.2 -
After returning to the app again, till the yellow color is restored, the problem has been fixed.
After returning app again till after adjusting the font size back to original font size that has been modified.
V1.1 -
Enter Password dialog that occurs when a bug has been fixed.
Before you enter into dialogue with the password that was recognized after the update, if not
Repeat the previous two-digit password before you enter the Look.
Example) password 1234 -> 1212
-V 1.3
The first looks at start-up, in a smaller font. This has been resolved.
Recovery to the main menu screen, an incomplete part of the transition has been fixed.
Fixed background and icon graphics.
V1.4 -
Save the memo contents can be sent directly to Twitter.