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Officesuite V3.00 S60v3 Symbianos9.1
Screen Shots:
MobiSystems OfficeSuite 3
Word and Excel for Your S60 Phone
Overview :
Carry your office documents with you anywhere anytime.
Moreover, with OfficeSuite it is as easy as ABC to create dynamic text documents, calculate and analyze data right on your phone.
Need to modify an existing office document on the go? No worries OfficeSuite will keep the original document format and still allow you to make the desired changes.
OfficeReader- an Universal Document Reader for Free
OfficeSuite has two separate work modes:
* In View mode you can open and read document without any limitations in functionality or time.
* In Edit mode documents can be modified on the device and saved in their original format.
Faster and Smarter Opening of PC Native Document Formats
OfficeSuite is empowered with a unique algorithm for opening Office documents. Native MS formats are processed faster and smarter than any other mobile application.
Only with OfficeSuite you are capable of opening and modifying RTF files on the mobile phone.
Supported Formats:
* Palm DOC
4 Ways to Share Office Documents:
* Bluetooth transfer to other phone or PC
* Infrared beaming
* Direct upload from/to your PC via cable connection
* As Email attachments
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