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Omnifocus For Ipad 1.6.5
Screen Shots:
OmniFocus for iPad combines the in-depth task management features of a desktop app with the advanced mobile experience of the iPad. With flexible viewing options, location-aware task lists, and on-the-fly task entry with voice notes and image attachments, OmniFocus for iPad is the trusted system you need for managing everything in your busy life.
Use OmniFocus for iPad on its own, or sync through the cloud with your other devices running OmniFocus (also available for iPhone and Mac).
- Capture ideas as they come to mind with just a few quick taps.
- Organize tasks into projects and folders, with as much hierarchy as you need.
- Break large tasks into manageable steps.
- Track the details with task options like start and due dates, repeating schedules, audio notes, and photo attachments.
- Categorize and view tasks by contexts based on location, people, energy level—whatever you need to get the task accomplished.
- Map your contexts to see where you need to go and be reminded of tasks when they're nearby.
- Forecast your week with due tasks, starting tasks, and calendar events in a single view.
- Review all your projects to keep them up-to-date and make sure nothing slips through the cracks.
- Synchronize your tasks with other copies of OmniFocus using Omni's free Sync Server or other WebDAV servers.
- Contact our Ninjas for free customer support via email or phone.
For more information, please watch the video on our website.
If you have any feedback or questions, we'd love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free support: you can reach us by email at, by phone at 1-800-315-6664 or +1-206-523-4152, or on twitter at @omnifocus.
Thank you!