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Paper By Fiftythree
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“Ideal for jotting down notes, sketches, or your next big idea, this phenomenal app sets a new standard” - Apple App of the Year 2012
Used by more than 13 million people worldwide, Paper turns your iPad into a digital notebook, with everything you need to bring your ideas to life. Best of all, Paper is now completely free.
“App of the Year & Apple Design Award Winner”
Sketch out a new product design, draft a kitchen remodel or outline a great business plan. Paper is the essential digital notebook that works the way you think, with no fussy settings or distractions. Paper’s five beautiful tools to Sketch, Write, Draw, Outline, and Color, are now completely free. Paper includes unlimited, free, cloud backup of all your journals when you sign up for a FiftyThree account.
“The Best iPad Stylus” — Wired and The Verge
Express your creativity more naturally with Pencil—FiftyThree’s handcrafted Bluetooth Smart stylus. Pencil’s unique Surface Pressure technology allows you to use Pencil’s tapered shape to fluidly control the width and strength of lines. You can also flip to erase, blend with your finger, and rest your hand comfortably on the screen with world-class palm rejection.
“People are at their best when they create.”
You don’t need to be an artist, or even know how to draw to be creative and use Mix, the sharing network built right into Paper. Mix takes away what’s scary about facing the blank page and leaves you with a fun place to get inspired and share your ideas. Find the perfect template for a task, learn a new skill, or make new connections with collaborators around the world. Mix is where the world creates together.