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Pdf Emailer 2.0
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Easily email PDF and Office documents from your iOS web browser.
Open PDFs and Office documents using PDF Emailer from Safari and an email with the document already attached will open, ready to be sent!
Safari allows you to email a link to PDF and Office documents - but not send the document as an attachment. Sometimes that isn't good enough. You might have found a document on a restricted-access site that would require someone to log in to see it, or you might want to send it to your iPad for offline reading. Email the full PDF - quickly and easily.
Speed, simplicity, productivity.
There are several apps that allow you to save a document, then go through a few steps to send it out, but PDF Emailer does it all in a single step. Documents that you have emailed will stick around until you delete them, so you can read them right from the app, or email them out again.
To use the app, touch a PDF or Office document in your browser, then touch "Open in...", and select "PDF Emailer", and a new email will open up with that document attached.
Please contact me at for feature requests and troubleshooting, and/or follow me on twitter: @blakecaldwell and @pdfemailer