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Quick_mark_2d_barcode_reader 3.8.0
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In simple terms, the concept is QuickMark mobile phone as a scanner use, As long as the general with 300,000 pixel camera phone and the installation of related software can be used QuickMark use of the built-in camera phone, camera aimed at the barcode, through barcode links, software decoders, we will be able to automatically identify the barcode, this phone to the killer application cost, low-cost, Higher-order and without special phone or value advances movements, apart from anywhere in small fee to use the mechanism of automatic vending machines, booking, buying game points paying parking fees even downloading MP3 can be used in this manner. With built-QuickMark camera phone, anywhere lens aiming barcode exclusive merchandise, through barcode links, software decoding, 2 seconds to complete the automatic identification bar code, whether applied to the various types of information online, telephone directories, Tuling download, download games and marketing activities. even action transactions to be used; or for the personal business cards QuickMark barcode production, Users can easily remitted through personal barcode system, the English name and telephone number, to establish personal contacts.